There is nothing like a beef brisket on the grill! The smell of it cooking will take you back to epic summer cookouts with friends and family!

However, if you are new to smoking, brisket can be a big task. Even seasoned pitmasters can struggle with it.

Smokey and the Brisket

If you want to smoke a brisket that is competition-worthy, there are some important things to remember. In this guide, you’ll learn some secrets and insider tips that will have you smoking a brisket like a pro! Let’s get into it!

Try a Jack and Cola Mop

For a great brisket mop sauce try a Jack & cola mop sauce is a key to juicy brisket, with a crunchy bark. Every 1 hour and a half, using your mop brush, apply the following mix, stop once you reach the ¾ of the cook, to allow the bark to form. The sugar from the coke helps forms the bark.


2 C Beef Broth
1C Cola
5 tbsp of Jack Daniels
3T Worcestershire Sauce or more to taste
3 tsp Black Pepper
1 tsp Celery Salt
2 tsp Granulated Garlic
2 tsp Granulated Onion

Go Wild With Your Leftovers

A smart man always makes enough for leftovers! There is nothing like a mid-week meal with brisket! Try these your hand at making using the leftovers for a brisket pot pie or even have a go at Harry Soo, brisket sushi. These two are just the tip of the iceberg. Brisket can be used in so many ways, even dumplings!

Tried Beef Tallow?

If you do wrap your brisket, try smearing some beef tallow on the butcher paper first, it helps to keep your brisket juicy.

Brisket’s Don’t Care What Temp You Cook Them At!

With beef brisket on the grill, as long as you aren’t burning the meat pork butt and brisket can be smoked at any temp. Smoking below 275°F will just prolong your cook, so save time and crank the heat.

Beware of The Stall

Many people wondering if you wrap your brisket. It all depends on the time you have.

Cooking beef brisket on the grill can lead to a stall. It happens around 150°F and essentially your meat is sweating. Moisture makes its way to the surface of the meat, then it evaporates on the surface of the meat, cooling the ambiance temperature.

At this point, you can either wrap it or wait it out. Just remember if you wrap your brisket (also known as the Texas Crutch), you won’t get a crispy bark! If you do decide to wrap your brisket, use weather pink butcher paper or aluminum foil. Using butcher paper will allow more smoke to penetrate the meat.

If you have 12-16 hours, try cranking up your smoker to 310°. Once your meat hits 170° bring the temperature back down.

Pick Your Meat Carefully

If you want to create a great beef brisket on the grill, you need to start with good-quality meat. Try to pick up at least a choice grade cut. Choice grade has good marbling but if you want it to be extra special, buy a prime grade cut of brisket.

A prime grade of beef brisket cut that has more marbling, and this equals more flavor! The extra marbling also helps keep your brisket moist during the long cooking process. 

Give it a “Small” Trim

If you buy an untrimmed brisket you will want to remove some of the fat as it doesn’t all render down. Trim it until you have ¼ inch layer of fat. You will also want to trim the fat cap to ¼ inch as well.


There are a huge variety of rubs available. However, you can make a great one with your pantry items  for great beef brisket on the grill. Start with salt, pepper, and garlic granules. You can add more complex flavors to season your brisket however when getting started, keep it simple.

Managing Your Fire

Having a consistent temperature is key for a top-notch brisket. When smoking any meat, you want to get the aim for a thin blue smoke, the black smoke will just leave your meat with a bitter taste. I

f you’re not using an automated system like a pellet smoker or electric smoker, you will need to learn more about how to use the dampers on your

How Long Will It Take?

This is a question every pitmaster gets asked! And the common response?

It’s will be done when it’s done! This is an accurate statement, but for beginners be prepared for 30 – 60 minutes per pound at 275 degrees. 

Aim for an internal temperature of 203°F. Once you hit this temperature you can pull your brisket. However many factors will come into play. External temperature, size of the meat, unit your using, fuel source. Plus many more, so just aim for that temperature and monitor using a probe thermometer. When you get close, give tour brisket a poke. If it feels like jelly, you are good to go!

Let It REST!

Now you have smoked your brisket, for 10 plus hours. You need to practice some more patience! You need to allow the juices to redistribute themselves. During the low and slow process of cooking a brisket, all the connective tissue and collagen breaks down into juicy gelatin. If you cut it too early you will lose the juice!

Give it at least 2 hours, in a cooler. You want your brisket to come down to a resting temp of around 140¯F.

Slow Your Slicing

If you have gone to all this effort so far, you want to take the slicing seriously as well. This can be a complicated task for a beginner! Once you have done it a few times it will be easy but take it slow, you want each part to be mouth-watering not a hacked-up chunk of meat!

Always slice across the grain. There are two parts to a brisket the flat and the point. The grain runs in different directions in each, you need to be mindful of that. Also, don’t slice it until you are ready to eat!

Make Some Notes

To improve your briskets it is a good idea to make some notes of your cook. What rub did you use, what temp did you start at, what was the external temperature, did you experience the stall, did you wrap, what was the total cooking time, and overall observations of your beef brisket.

Cooking beef brisket on the grill is all about improving your skills in the (outdoor) kitchen and having a good time. So makes notes and learn from your mistakes! As long as you follow these guidelines you will be well on your way to mastering a smoked brisket!

The Article’s Author: This fantastic article was contributed by Jack Allen, pitmaster extraordinaire. We will be looking for more pit boss smoked brisket and other meats from Jack. 

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