Myths, errors, and misconceptions abound in every aspect of our culture. Lawn care myths are no exception. When errors are clearly explained, most people had no idea that what they were believing was not even remotely true. While some errors are harmless, many of the more popular lawn myths can cost you money and resources and can possibly harm your plants.

Lawn myths and misconceptions are even sometimes knowingly promoted in several aspect of lawn and tree maintenance. Personal experience has shown that misconceptions are found throughout the industry including organic lawn products, organic plant care, techniques of topdressing a lawn, practices of overseeding lawns, products used in fertilization, the meaning of fertilizer numbers, tree care, and much more.


Example 1: For example, one of the harmless myths involves putting chewing gum in mole tunnels as a means of killing lawn moles. The myth states that moles will eat the chewing gum which then gets stuck in its mouth and intestines. This supposedly kills the mole. This is just an old wive’s tale and there are other myths involving lawn moles.

Example 2: An example of a more costly myth, yet one that is widely circulated, is that topping trees does no harm and is actually good for the tree. Every year thousands of trees are topped by companies who advertise topping as their primary method of tree trimming. Sometimes all the branches are removed. Most of these companies may be good with a chainsaw, but they show a total disregard for the health of the tree when indiscriminately cutting branches at any location.

The truth is that topping trees can be one of the most damaging techniques performed on a tree. The branches that grow back are often weakly attached to the tree and are very dangerous. While there are some circumstances when topping must be done, actual knowledge of tree biology is needed to know where to cut and to affect the least amount of damage.

These are just the beginning as I have addressed dozens of myths and misconceptions over the years.

These pages are fun to read while increasing your knowledge of popular myths, proper lawn care methods, and plant biology – all in an effort to combat lawn care myths and misconceptions. Enjoy!

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