Flowers come in many colors. So why use matching color schemes if you have so many colors to choose from? The answer is simple: They can be strikingly beautiful.
While it is not always a good thing to color match every plant or put similar colors in every container. The fact that so much of what we see is surrounded by every color under the rainbow, matching color schemes can be a lovely change.
My wife loves purple. The container plant in the photo is planted with different plants in the shade of purple. It could have been planted with any color under the rainbow, but this planter was designed to delight the senses, or at least for those who love purple. Isn't it beautiful?
You can try colors of yellow, reds, blues, or any variety of colors. Choose one of your favorite colors and start looking for plants that will give the look you desire.
Here is a Hint to Building a Beautiful Container
are certain tricks to making a planter attractive. You need at least
two different types of plants. While the colors may be similar, the
plants themselves should be very different.
A larger upright growing centerpiece surrounded by lower growing plants set off the container and make it visually attractive. As in the top photo, colorful upright growing bulb plants in the center tower over the cascading flowers covering the rim. The flowers hide the edge of the planter and draw the eyes to the center.
Here is another photo of matching color schemes. The center fern matches the green leaves of the flowers. However, in this container, the fern is almost taken over by the accompanying flowers. I personally think it would have been a little better if it was a Japanese Painted Fern in a lavendar color. But, that is okay. It is still a beautiful container.
Beautiful Lantana Confetti Flowers
Lantana Confetti is a fast growing plant that puts out thousands of tiny
flowers from spring to the first hard frost. Check to see what this
flower is all about.
Bleeding Heart Flowers
Bleeding Hearts are unique and beautiful flower. Find out what makes this plant so lovable.
Beautiful Flaming Torch Lily
Flaming Torch Lilies are strikingly beautiful. The flowers and stalks
look like flaming arrows. My flaming torches are over 15 years old. See
for yourself how wonderful these plants are.
Yucca Plants - An American Native
Yucca plants are thought to be desert only plants. This is not true.
Yucca grow from the tropics to Canada. Find out how to care for these
beautiful blooming plants.